Las questions words son palabras que contienen wh y que se utilizan al principio de una sentencia para preguntar, iniciaremos analizando 6 de ellas en su forma de presente simple y posteriormente se verán mas ejemplos las palabras para preguntar que analizaremos son: what, when, who, where, why, how.
Question Word | Answer | Example |
What Qué/Cuál/Cuáles | Thing | What is your name? |
When Cuándo? | Time | When is the party? |
Who Quién/Quiénes? | Person | Who is your brother? |
Where Dónde? | Place | Where is the bank? |
Why Por qué? | Reason | Why do you like pizza? |
How Cómo? | Directions | How do you spell your name? |
Estructura Do de question word

- Where do you work?
- When does she wake up?
- Who is your brother?
- When does she eat?
- What does he do? = What’s his job
Estructura Be de question word

- Where are you from?
- Who is that man?
- When is your class?
Preguntas sin auxiliares ni verb to be

Respuestas a Preguntas
En Ingles encontraremos dos tipos de preguntas:
- Preguntas cerradas, se tienen algunas opciones para responder por ejemplo si/no, por ejemplo: Are you from Canada? Hay dos posibles respuestas yes o no, Respuestas: Yes, I am from Canada o No, I am not from Canada.
- Preguntas abiertas, se pueden tener un sin fin de opciones, por ejemplo: Where are you from? pueden existir muchas respuestas Japan, Brazil, Poland, etc. Las preguntas abiertas son resultado del uso de las questions words.
Ejemplos de preguntas abiertas y sus respuestas:
- Where are you from?
- I am from India.
- What is your name?
- My name is Jacob.
- When do you wake up?
- I wake up at 7:30 am.
- Why are you angry?
- I am angry because I did not pass my exam.
Ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas cortas con be y sin HW
Are you from Brazil? | No, I am not. |
Is she your sister? | Yes, she is. |
Are Paul and Mike brothers? | Yes, they are. |
Is the chair red? | No, it is not. |
Ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas cortas con do y sin HW
Do you like sports? | Yes, I do. |
Does he want pizza? | No, he does not. |
Do they have the books? | Yes, they do. |
Does the computer work? | No, it does not. |
How much/How many para contables o no contables.

Use how much o how many para saber el monto o numero de algo.
- Pregunte con how many + sustantivo plural contable, por ejemplo: How many tomatoes are there in that bag?, How many vegetables do you eat in a week?
- Pregunte con how much + sustantivo incontable, por ejemplo: How much sugar do we have?, How much milk is there in the fridge?
algunas respuestas cortas para cuantificadores de how much o how many
- How much cheese do we have? None
- I eat a lot of fruit.
- I don’t drink much water.
- Ther’s no milk. no use There’s
Mas questions words y algunas especificaciones.
Question Word | Answer | Example | Traducción |
Which | Option | Which is Better? Blue or Black? | Cuál/Cuales? |
Whose | Subject | Whose book is this? | De quién/De quiénes? |
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